Friday, April 10, 2015

Addressing IRS Wage Garnishment Issues

One morning, you receive a letter from the IRS claiming that they will be imposing wage garnishment due to your refusal to pay your back taxes. “It’s just a scare tactic”, you think to yourself and disregard the warning.

Unfortunately for those who find themselves in the scenario mentioned above, the IRS can be very persistent when it needs to be—and they are more than happy to implement wage garnishment if you continue to avoid them. This presents a huge problem for you since the amount the IRS can deduct is largely unregulated. The only limitation they have is to “leave enough for basic necessities”.

As heavy-handed as wage garnishment is, the IRS only uses this as a last resort. This is why the IRS is more than willing to negotiate a payment plan, but you have to be the one to approach them—preferably with a tax lawyer by your side.

It is not advised to negotiate directly with the IRS as they expect you to know the Internal Revenue Code like the back of your hand. The moment you receive a written notice of wage garnishment, it is in your best interest to consult a tax lawyer ASAP. An experienced tax lawyer is allowed to negotiate a payment plan on your behalf. More importantly, a lawyer can delay wage garnishment orders until a payment plan has been agreed to.

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